NEW: Atlas map: Now displays x and y on top based on your mouse.NEW: Map owner can now view all deleted markers and restore a marker if needed.Now just indicates, you need to right click to copy them. CHANGED: SCUM: Removed visual teleport coordinates change on mousemove.CHANGED: ATLAS: Also show GRID in mouse indicator where your Mouse is.CHANGED: Changed styling of the x/y (lng/lat) indicator so it doesnt resize.NEW: ATLAS: Chosen server for player count is stored as a cookie.NEW: ATLAS: Added player count in mousehover information.NEW: ATLAS: Added player counts on atlas grid.Logs can be found in map settings by owner. NEW: Added logging for Create and Delete markers.NEW: Contact me to help translating into a language.NEW: Extended site with multiple languages.NEW: ATLAS: Displays top Tribes for the global servers.NEW: ATLAS: Added layer with territories.NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Epleland with regions.NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Preperatons for Godenland.
NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Added Godenland Tradeposts, Guilds, Guildfiefs layers to the map.NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Godenland: Can now edit group settings to initial show/hide on pageload or completely remove from list: Guild Fiefs,Trade posts, Guilds, Provinces and Fiefs.NEW: LIF MMO 0.2: Godenland: Added Region layer.NEW: Atlas: Default layers can be managed in the group tabs.NEW: Added "Cancel" button when adding or editing a marker,shape or textmarker.NEW: Added guild provinces on LIF GOdenland.NEW: Added guild search for LIF Godenland.NEW: Added guildtag in search for LIF Godenland.