
Search for the source of the signal state of decay
Search for the source of the signal state of decay


Network makes uses of many weaponry including their own handmade customized equipment, external use of Spec Ops grade equipment, Shotguns, Revolvers and sometimes they also use scoped high-end assault rifles, they use brown clothes, they also have a customized variation of the Hiking Bag, with a full brown color. Raymundo "Ray" Santos: (Former politician and associate).Helena Cruz: (Small-town Deputy and Network Operative).Quincy Maxwell: (Ex-Con and Network Operative).Kamilla "Kami" Báez: (Former Refugee Worker).Sydney "Twain" Clement (Radio Broadcaster).two Network members even returned to the Plague-infested Trumbull Valley to follow their own agenda (either Quincy Maxwell and Helena Cruz or Larisse Davis and Fiona Davis, depending on player choice). Some operatives are known to follow their own paths even when affiliated with the group. Twain continues to express anti-establishment views, going as far as suggesting that the US military is responsible for starting the zombie outbreak. The Network also expresses distrust of the US government Twain believes that the government moved important people out of harm's way, leaving everyone else to their fate when the zombie outbreak started. Twain and other commentators frequently denounce Red Talon, and capitalize on events such as the Camp Eerie reveal to sow further distrust of the PMC. The Network is opposed to Red Talon, considering them tyrannical and shady, encouraging others to distrust them. While some are drawn to this, others are skeptical that The Network and its followers will survive. Their propagandists express religious views often, leading some survivors to believe that they are a makeshift religious order. The beliefs of The Network are that of a community-support societal system, where individual communities aid each other, supposedly out of altruism. Twain returns to the airwaves after being rescued by a group of survivors, resuming his role as the Network's voice. Twain briefly goes off the air after his studio is breached by a zombie attack other Network members express hope that he is alive. Twain expresses philosophical views on the current state of things, offers prayers for victims everywhere, and provides some useful tips to survivors. The Network is represented mainly by the voice of Twain, a radio propagandist. They are primarily heard on the radio but will sometimes dispatch traders with high quality gear for the player to trade with. The Network is a group introduced in State of Decay 2.

Search for the source of the signal state of decay